Does Your Store Bought Shampoo Do This?

#MadeWithLove #ByLOV3RZ - brand new store front! We have moved, but our organic products have not!
Since beginning this journey in 2021 of natural cosmetics, skin and hair care, I have really had an opportunity to research what goes in to the products that we use every day from the local drug store. 
I have been both surprised (maybe not so much) & excited at the knowledge that is out there. 
The fact that so many are using and even demanding more natural, preservative free, cruelty free, natural and organic products is awesome to me. I've been happy to discover and join many online communities of like minded people. 
This part of my testimony is about shampoo/conditioner bars. I had never even heard of them, much less tried them!! 
I feel I am being led and guided by the Lord to share these with you.... to make products from what He alone created for us in nature!

So the shampoo bars that we will be offering this spring are really awesome. Unlike traditional shampoos, which contain tons of chemicals that literally strip your hair of its natural oils, this is something new and different.  Not to mention the fact that the packaging alone is much better for the environment as it eliminates plastic waste.

Shampoo bars take some time to get used to. They are like regular bar soap, but without real suds. Using them is simple once you get used to it. You lather the soapy mixture onto your hands until it is thick, and then rub it, starting with your scalp and going down your hair to the ends. What you are used to is lather, but the ingredients in the lather that is in traditional products is what is stripping your hair, making your hair dry and prone to both damage and breakage. 

Being that I went from black hair to blonde in 2019, breakage is something I really need to think about. Blonde hair is much more fragile than dark hair. 

The ingredients in our shampoo bar are 100% organic, and of course our products would never in a million years be tested on God's amazing animals.

Ingredients as follows: 100% organic pure olive oil castile soap, organic olive oil, organic cocoa butter, organic coconut oil, organic beeswax, vitamin E oil. That's it. It's that simple.

I will note that my hair has been growing, and not breaking!  Olive oil does promote growth, but you have to get just the right amount of it, so that your hair won't feel greasy or heavy. My hair feels significantly stronger and looks brighter. 

Of course we will have a variety of shampoo & conditioner bars, including purple based ones for blondes. As always, made with 100% natural, organic ingredients and pouring in the LOVE that God gave us!

#MadeWithLove 💟☦

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